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Ikhonco                           July 2014


The Bishop's Message

Dear People of God


This is the Day that the Lord has made …. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. We are gathered here yet again to celebrate our witness as Christian community in the See of Mthatha. Like any family we do have our ups and downs and uncertainities but those should be taken as opportunities of growth and of making amends. We are likely to have some domestic differences but we dare not give up on one another, we remain a Family especially God's Family.

It is my greatest joy to see you in your great numbers. I am humbled to see you. I believe in your resolve to own your Diocese and God is pleased with us.


I pray that those of us who have been given the ministry of parenting should do it unbegrudgingly. We need to pray fervently for our children that they may grow in the love and fear of God. We should resist to talk ill of other people in the presence of our children. A child that is brought up in a conflict situation turns to harbour anger, animosity and violence. I pray for the parents of this Diocese to live lives that can be emulated by the young ones. We do not want to leave behind us a lost generation. We want to have a legacy of godly parenting.


We pray that this 2014 Family Day could revive godliness in the lives of our children and youth. We pray for a drug-free, and HIV/AIDS free generation. We love you young people; therefore help us to love you even more. If there is anything amiss in the manner you are being nurtured kindly say so. We want to be the best parents we are called to be to you. We dare not let you down. If we, as your parents or grown-up people, happen to say things that are not helpful for your growth and development say so, so that we can make amends. We do not want to lose you to satanic religion. We want to make you happy as happy members of God's Family.


The members of the Anglican Family in Southern Africa and abroad met in this past week to celebrate the ever presence and leading of the Holy Spirit in the Church of God. We had a choice of Speakers who spoke so passionately about the need to surrender our lives to Jesus, the Lord of the Church. Without being a spirit-led Church we can as well close shops and cease to call ourselves Christians anymore. We do have a similar ministry in our Diocese every year in what we call Renewal Conference. These are the means at our disposal to sharpen our tools for the job to which God is calling us. The Anglican Family met for revival and renewal. We call upon you Anglicans in this Diocese to make Jesus the Saviour and the Lord of our lives. Speak out in the name of Jesus. Do testify about the wonderful things God has done for us.

God has done great things for our Diocese:  holy is His name. God is good: all the time. Rejoice in the Lord always I say again rejoice. (Phil 4: 4).

Yours affectionately in Christ

+ Sitembele Mthatha
Bantu bakaThixo abathandekayo


Le yimini eyenzileyo iNkosi: siyakugcoba sivuye ngayo. Sihlangene apha kwakhona ukuba sigcobele ubungqina bethu njengamaKrestu akwiDayosisi yaseMthatha. Njengalo naluphina usapho sinawo amahla-ndenyuke nokuthingaza kodwa konke oko simelwe ukuba sikuthabathe njengamathuba okukhula nokuzilungisa. Sisenokuba nazo iingxaki zamakhaya ethu kodwa asimele ukuba sikhalalane, simele ukuba sihlale njengosapho ngokukodwa olukaThixo.

Ndinovuyo olungathethekiyo ukunibona ningaka. Ndichulumancile. Ndiyacacelwa nangakumbi ukuba ngenene ninegugu nebhongo ngeDayosisi yenu, kambe ke uThixo wanelisekile.


Ndinomthandazo othi abo babizelwe kubuzali nobuzalikazi mmabakwenze oko bengenakumbi naxanasi. Simele ukuba sibathandazele abantwana bethu khon'ukuze bakhulele ekuyithandeni nasekumoyikeni uThixo. Simele ukuzinqanda sizikhwebule ekuthetheni kakubi ngabanye abantu bekho abantwana. Umntwana okhulela kwimeko enengxabano nenzondokazi engathethekiyo angade abulale.

Ndiyabathandazela abazali bale Dayosisi ndibacelela ukuba babe ngumfusizelo abanothi abantwana bawulandele. Asinqweneli ukushiya isizukulwana esilahlekileyo. Singa singashiya ilifa lobuzali obunoThixo.


Sithandazela ukuba le Family Day ka 2014 ivuselele ubuthixo ebomini babantwana bethu nakulutsha. Sithandazela isizukulwana Esingasebenzisi iiziyobisi nesingasulelwanga iHIV/AIDS. Siyanithanda bantu abatsha, sincediseni ke nani ukuba siluphuhlise nangakumbi olo thando. Ukuba kukho into esilelayo kwindlela enikhuliswa ngayo sixeleleni. Singa singangabazali  abagqibeleleyo, asinakuniphoxa. Ukuba kunokwenzeka ukuba kukho iizinto ezithethwa nikho zaye zingeloncedo ekukhuleni nasekuphuhleni kwenu sixeleleni ukwenzela ukuba sitshintshe. Ayingomnqweno wethu ukuba nilulahle ukholo lobuKrestu nibhenele kwimikwa kaSathana egqubayo nakule ndawo sikuyo. Sifuna nonwabe njengosapho olonwabileyo lweNkosi.


Usapho lwaseTshetshi elisemazantsi eAfrika naphesheya abe edibene pha eGoli ngeenjongo zokuvuselelana nokugcobela ubukho bukaMoya oyiNgcwele eKerikeni ngamaxesha onke nangesikhokhelo saKhe kuyo yonke iimizamo nemigudu yethu.  Ibilucwambu lwezithethi begxininisa kakhulu kwimfuneko yokuba wonke umntu makabunikezele ubomi bakhe eNkosini uYesu umnikazi weBandla. Ngaphandle kokuba iBandla lizale nguMoya asinalungelo lokuzibiza ukuba singamakholwa. Nalapha eDayosisini  minyaka le sibanayo imvuselelo. Iluncedo iyomeleza iyaphilisa, ilola iizikhali zethu zokumelana nokungendawo. Sithi ke kuni maKrestu akule Dayosisi menzeni uYesu abe yiNkosi noMsindisi wethu. Thethani phandle ngegama likaYesu. Ngqinani ngeezinto ezinkulu asenzele zona uThixo.

UThixo uyenzele iizinto ezinkulu iDayosisi yethu: yiloo nto sisithi lingcwele igama lakhe. UThixo mhle: ngawo onke amaxesha. " vuyani eNkosini amaxesha onke siphinda sithi kuni vuyani (Phil 4:4)".

Owenu onithandayo kuKrestu.

+ Sitembele Mthatha