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Ikhonco                           September 2014


The Bishop's Message

Bantu bakaThixo abathandekayo


Ngamana iNkosi eyathi enkangala elizeni yadala lonke elimiweyo yaze yasiyaleza ukuba siwuhoye umhlaba singawudlakazi, yasisikelela egameni likaYesu Krestu uMsindisi wethu.

Abantu abajongene nokudaliweyo bayasiluleka ukuba siyihlonele siyihloniphe indalo. Sikhunjuzwa mihla le ukuba asinayo enye indawo yokuphilela ngaphandle kwalo mhlaba usizeleyo. Siyalulekwa ukuba singafane silahle iizinto naphina, sitshise ingca, amahlathi neemithi yexabiso.

Ukudavuza oko kuluvuyo lwamehlo ethu nokuphelelwa lixabiso lokubuka iizinto ezintle kunegalelo kolu tshintsho lwemo yezulu. Imbalela egqubayo khonanje yenye yemizekelo ekhoyo phakathi kwemininzi.

Isicelo sam ngale nyanga yeNtwasahlobo kukuba masixabise isipho sendalo. Masiluhlonele uluntu nendalo ngokupheleleyo. Ndiyacela kuthi sonke masithandazele imvula. Kuninzi okungekuhlanga ngenxa yembalela ekhoyo. Obekukade kuluhlaza kutshile kwabhanga; okuxhomekeke kuhlaza kufa liphango.

Amabhali elucern enyukile kanti ke zonke ezifuyiweyo zidla ezandleni. Abahlala ezidolophini batyatyulwa ngamanzi okunkcenkceshela phofu loo manzi engakulungelanga ukuvelisa ubuhle beentyantyambo nengca  etyalwayo ngenxa yobutyuwa bawo. UMasipala yena ubiza into angayaziyo ngamanzi amaninzi asetyenziselwa ukunkcenkceshela.

Masibe nebuyambo ngokuba sithi siwuhlonela njalo umhlaba oyindalo yethu nathi ngokunjalo silihlonele ixabiso lomntu. Mmakungabikho bantu bazizigculelo nabaxhatshazwayo.
Singatshintsha nemisebenzi yethu siyibone ngenye indlela, ndawonye namaziko esinqulela kuwo. Abazali bangakhe bazibhence bazibone ngeliso langaphakathi ukuba kakade babakhulisa njani abantwana babo; nabo abantu abatsha kuyimfuneko ukuba bajongisise ukuba iizihlobo ezi zabo azinafuthe libi na ekukhuleni nasekuphuhliseni iizakhono zabo na.

Kukho umkhuba wokunganeliseki nowamabhongo. Singaba ngabemi beli lizwe abangcono nabelizwe elizayo xa sinokuthi sizijongisise ukuba sithanani naye noThixo onguMdali noMhlawuleli wethu eyintoni na phofu ebomini bethu.

Masingakhalalani sidinwe nakukuthandazela iziqu zethu noko uThixo akudalela thina nempilo yethu.

Ngamana uThixo wanisikelela.

+ Sitembele

My Dear People of God


May the Lord who out of nothing / chaos created the cosmos and charged us to look well after this beauty and not plunder It, bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

The environmentalists always call for the honour and respect of the integrity of creation. We are always reminded that we have no alternative planet but our mother earth remains one and only one. We are charged not to litter and burn the grass, forest, and our rare species.

The over-trafficking of our natural vegetation and total destruction of personal ego about our environment contribute immensely to the climate change we are experiencing. The drought we are presently undergoing is just one example among many. My appeal to all of us during this Spring month is to honour the gift of creation. We need to respect human life and environment in its entirety.

I call upon us all to pray fervently for rain. There is a lot that suffers as drought continues to take its toll. What used to be green is now scorched to extinction. What depends on green suffers from starvation. The bales of lucerne are very expensive and yet our stock continue to live from our hands. The urbanites have to use treated water to water their lawns and flowers with little positive results for the desired beauty.
Yet the excessive use of water has serious repercussions with utility bills. Kindly pray for a change of heart. We can also soak our spiritual dryness through respecting human worth. There should be no people who are regarded as objects of abuse and exploitation.

We can pray for a change of attitudes towards our work places and sanctuaries of worship. The parents can conduct an in-depth study of their parenting skills and the young ones can also change attitudes to their parents and do their own social analysis of the impact of their peers towards their own development and growth. There is an ethic of non-contentment and entitlement syndrome.

We can only be better citizens of our country and the world to come when we revisit who we are towards one another and to our God who is our Creator and Redeemer. Let us not give up on one another and weary of praying fervently for ourselves and our environment.

May God bless us.
