Parish of St Andrew's, Eluxolweni
C/O Box 65, Mthatha
Rector : The Revd Vuyani Puza
Cell : 072 187 3799
Assistants: None
We are committed to preaching the gospel of christ through evangelism
Teaching the word of god and displaying christ-like character
Through salvation of souls as the key issue
Making new disciples
Committing ourselves to be loyal to our bishop, archdeacon, priests and parishioners
Committed in prayer, preaching, stewardship and evangelism
Committed in respect of one another irrespective of who you are with no discrimination through race, ethnicity and beliefs
Total = 170 Active = 120
Total = 120 Active = 80
Total = 8
Total = 22 Active = I 5
Total =311 Active = 215
Church Wardens
Mr. M. Mpondonkulu
Mr. A. Ndzendze
Mrs. N. Ndawana
P.C.C. Members
Mrs. B. Ntlokwana
Miss S. Mtwa
Mrs. N. Mfundisi
Miss P. Ngonyama
Miss N. Stofu
Miss Z. Nota
Mrs. I. Mzazi
Miss S. Matwebu
Mrs. N. Sobhalule
Mr. M. Maham
Mr. M. Galada
Mr. M. Mazwi
Miss V. Mangxaba
Mrs. N. Mpondonkulu
Mr. S. Mase
Mrs. N. Mazwi
Mrs. N. Mdubi
Miss Z. Matwebu
Mrs. Matyekwina
Guild Members:-
Mothers Union: Mrs. O. Mbalane
St Mary Magdelene: Mrs. N. Mazwi
Youth: Mrs. S. Mase
St Bernard Mizeki: Mr. M. Mazwi
A.W.F.: Mrs. B. Ntlokwana (4 Members)
Sunday School: Mrs. V. Mphutha
GBFS: Mrs. S. Mase
Preachers & Lay Ministers: Mrs. P. Gwala