
Ikhonco                           October 2013
The Bishop's Message

Bantu bakaThixo endibathandayo


Iikwayara zeDayosisi zahlangana ngomhla we 14 kuSeptemba ngenjongo zokubhiyozela isipho esisiphiwe nguThixo sokucula nanjengokuba zazikhuphisana ngoncuthu mazangwa lomculo.
Sinebhongo neqhayiya lokuba sibe siyiDayosisi eculayo. Zonke iiPharish ziyazicula iindumiso, iingoma namaculo. Asisaculi sedwa thina bakhokhela iinkonzo, ngaloo nto singambulela uThixo ngenkuthazo yeKwayara yeDayosisi, umBhexeshi wayo noMthandazeli wabaculi. Sinebhongo ngani.


Yaba yinkuthanzo ukunibona ngobuninzi benu ngolwa Mmiso lwesa sibhozo sabefundisi. Inkonzo yayinefuthe njengesiqhelo nomculo ukho kumntu wonke ukhokelwe yiKwayara yethu yeDayosisi.
Ibutho lababingeleli longeza kuyoyiko olungcwele lukatshwa sisidima nesihomo sonqulo.
Yayilithuba lokuzidela ukuba wongamele engaka nenje yona inkonzo inongwe nayintshumayelo emnandi. Ngenene athi chatha amava ethu ukuba sibe yinxalenye yesiganeko esingaka.


Kungekudala iAdvent ne-Krismesi ziyafika. Ndininqwenelela okuhle kodwa ngala maxesha mabini. Sisikelelekile ukuba sibe yinxalenye yeBandla elizigcinayo ezi ziganeko. Ngaphandle kukaYesu engundoqo wokusindiswa kwethu asinakwenza nto. Asinabango makweyiphi na into. Xa sixhamla iimivuyo nemigcobo yesikhumbuzo sokuzalwa kweNkosi yethu, ndithandazela ukuba amandla ethu nomnqweno wokumkhonza uYesu zihlaziyeke. Ndithandazela ukuba yonke into esiyenzayo siyenze ngothando khon'ukuze abantu basibone njengabantwana bakaThixo abahlala njengemilowo yalowo osibizileyo ukuba siphume ebumnyameni singene ekukhanyeni kwakhe okungummangaliso. Nilonwabele ixesha leKrisimesi ngamana ningakubona nokukhanya konyaka omtsha.

Owenu onithandayo kuKrestu

+ Sitembele
My dear People of God


The choirs of the Diocese met on September the 14th to celebrate our God-given gift of singing as they were competing for the quality of music in the Diocese.
We are very proud to have a singing Diocese. All the Parishes do sing our psalter, canticles and hymns. We no longer sing alone as we conduct the services in our Parishes and we can only thank God for the encouragement of the Diocesan Choir especially our Diocesan Choir Master and Chaplain. You are doing us very proud.


It was most encouraging to see so many people at the ordination of our eight Priests. The service was inspired, as always, by participatory singing, led by our Diocesan Choir. The College of Priests added heavenly awe to the dignity of the liturgy. It was indeed a humbling moment to preside over such an inspiring service seasoned by such a dynamic sermon. It was indeed yet another experience to be part of such a worshipping event.


Very soon Advent and Christmas will be upon us. I wish you well in the coming seasons. We are blessed to be part of a long standing tradition of observing these events. Without Jesus as part of our salvation history we can do nothing. We can have no claim in anything. As we celebrate His holy Incarnation I pray that our strength  and will to love and serve Him may be renewed. I pray that we may be more loving in all we do so that people around us may see us as children of God who are able to live like a family of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light.

Enjoy your festive season and may you see the light of the new year.

Yours affectionately in Christ

+ Sitembele
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